Albany and Surrounds

Saltair is perfectly located for you to enjoy everything you've come to Albany to experience; a five minute walk down hill from your suite will bring you to a choice of coffee and food options, another two minutes further and your toes can be in the cool, clear waters of the Southern Ocean. Head uphill from Saltair to find yourself at the start of a myriad of trails which allow you to explore all of Mounts Clarence and Adelaide including the newly upgraded ANZAC interpretative centre.

The CBD of York Street is less than 5 minutes drive and you will find an eclectic variety of independent shopping opportunities. Further afield you are spoilt for choice; there are plenty of opportunities to Taste Great Southern.  Savour the flavours of the region at world class wineries or restaurants showcasing local produce. If you wish to be more active, there are enjoy scenic walks and cycle trails, snorkling and diving along the granite coast and dive wrecks. Own the waves at secluded beaches, play golf, go fishing, or simply let the natural beauty restore you.  At the end of your day return to the haven that is Saltair, relax and make plans for tomorrow. Should you be interested in eating out, you will likely need to book prior to your arrival. Contact us for assistance.

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